"Ultrasonography is an invaluable tool in nephrology and, following the lead of other specialists, nephrologists are beginning to incorporate ultrasound into their practice. It is convenient, economically feasible and improves patient care. Since this skill is not generally taught in training programs, we have been offering the Ultrasonography for Nephrologists course. The course has been very well received and has been given continuously since 1997. It is a comprehensive, weekend program that provides both didactic and hands-on training in ultrasonography of native and transplanted kidneys, end-stage kidneys and allografts, and guidance for biopsy and central venous catheterization. There are 6 hours of hands-on training that include patients with a variety of abnormalities. Also covered are financial aspects including equipment costs, billing, reimbursement, and other aspects such as reports, record-keeping, databases, quality assurance, and accreditation. There will also be an opportunity to use equipment from a variety of manufacturers. Pretty much everything a nephrologist needs to get started."
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